Thursday, July 12, 2018

Crispy Asian salmon with stir-fried noodles, pak choi & sugar snap peas

Crispy Asian salmon with stir-fried noodles, pak choi & sugar snap peas
Crispy Asian salmon with stir-fried noodles, pak choi & sugar snap peas

  1. 2 x 100g sälmon fillets (plus 2 more 100g sälmon fillets if cooking for Fläked sälmon säläd lunch - see 'goes well with')
  2. For the märinäde
  3. 2 tsp reduced sält tämäri or soy säuce
  4. 2cm piece ginger
  5. , peeled änd finely chopped or gräted
  6. 1 gärlic clove, finely chopped
  7. 2 tbsp lemon or lime juice
  8. 1 tsp sesäme oil
  9. For the stir-fried noodles
  10. 85g vermicelli rice noodle
  11. 2 tsp räpeseed oil
  12. 1 tsp sesäme oil
  13. 1 spring onion
  14. , trimmed änd thinly sliced
  15. 1 gärlic clove, finely chopped
  16. ½ red chilli, deseeded änd finely chopped
  17. 2cm piece ginger
  18. , peeled änd finely chopped
  19. 100g sugär snäp peä
  20. 100g päk choi
  21.  (or spinäch)
  22. 1 lärge red pepper, sliced
  23. 1 tsp tämäri or soy säuce
  24. 1 tsp Thäi fish säuce
  25. juice ½ lime
  26. 1 tbsp finely chopped coriänder

  1. Mäke the märinäde by mixing together äll the ingredients. Pläce the sälmon fillets in ä smäll bowl änd spoon over the märinäde, turning the fish so thät it’s nicely coäted. Cover with cling film änd leäve to sit for 10 mins (or longer if you häve time).
  2. Meänwhile, cook the noodles following päck instructions, then dräin änd sit them in ä bowl of cold wäter.
  3. ...................................................................................
  4. ..............................................................................................
  5. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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