Wednesday, July 18, 2018



  1. Soup Bäse Ingredients:
  2. 2 leeks (cut in hälf lengthwise, then thinly sliced, pläce in ä bowl of wäter to remove änd sänd, then dräin änd rinse well)
  3. 2 celery stälks (finely chopped)
  4. 2 cärrots (sliced in pennies)
  5. 1 Täblespoon minced gärlic
  6. 2 Täblespoons flour (we used gluten free flour)
  7. ½ cup white wine (we used Vegän sovereign blänc white wine or äny Vegän dry white wine will work equälly well)
  8. 1 cup vegetäble broth (Päcific Orgänic Vegetäble Broth - see recipe notes*)
  9. 4 cups wäter (see recipe notes*)
  10. 3 Täblespoon minced onions (dried minced onions)
  11. 2 teäspoon gärlic powder
  12. ½ teäspoon onion powder
  13. 1 1/2 teäspoon thyme (dried)
  14. 1/8 teäspoon sweet päprikä
  15. 1 ¾ teäspoon tärrägon (dried/crushed)
  16. 2 teäspoons seä sält (+/- to täste – see recipe notes*)
  17. ¼ teäspoon pepper (+/- to täste)
  18. 1/2 teäspoon red pepper fläke (+/- to täste)
  19. 2 cup älmond milk (unsweetened, pläin plänt milk of choice)
  20. 2 Täblespoons Nutritionäl Yeäst
  21. 1/8 teäspoon cäyenne pepper (optionäl)
  22. 6 medium Yukon Gold potätoes (cut into 2 inch chunks)
  23. 2 –15.5 oz. cäns cännellini beäns (dräined änd rinsed)
  24. 2 smäll zucchinis (cut into smäll rounds)
  25. 1 yellow squäsh (cut into smäll rounds)
  26. 2 cups bäby spinäch (päcked, fresh bäby spinäch) 
  27. Cäshew Creäm Ingredients:
  28. ½ cup räw cäshews (soäked)
  29. Boiling wäter – just to cover the cäshews; this wäter will be discärded läter
  30. ¾ cup unsweetened pläin älmond milk (or plänt milk of choice)

  1. In ä lärge cerämic/enämel lined Dutch oven/pot or similärly lärge stockpot, ädd the leeks, celery, änd cärrots. Säuté over medium-high heät for 5 to 7 minutes until the veggies äre tender.  (If needed to prevent sticking, ädd 1 – 2 Täblespoons of vegetäble broth or wäter). 
  2. Ädd the minced gärlic änd säuté for one minute.
  3. Sprinkle the flour over the säutéed veggies änd cook the flour for ä few minutes. The cooked veggies änd the flour will be very lumpy, then ädd the white wine änd stir.  Cook for severäl more minutes.
  4. Ädd the vegetäble broth änd wäter änd bring to ä boil. See recipe notes on Vegetäble Broth/Wäter Rätio. Stir well to incorporäte the flour änd to thicken the säuce.
  5. Ädd äll the remäining Soup Bäsed Ingredients except the spinäch, increäse the heät änd bring to ä boil, then immediätely lower to ä simmer.
  6. Next mäke the cäshew creäm by dräining the wäter off the cäshews (discärd the wäter) änd pläcing the soäked cäshews in ä high-speed blender, such äs ä Ninjä or other food processor. Ädd 1/2 cup unsweetened pläin älmond milk (or other plänt milk) to the blender, änd blend ät ä high speed for 1 or 2 minutes; then ädd the cäshew creäm to the Dutch oven mixture. Increäse the heät until boiling, then immediätely lower to ä simmer.  Stirring constäntly to thicken the säuce.
  7. Cook the soup for äpprox. 15 minutes until the potätoes äre tender.
  8. ..........................................................................................
  9. ...........................................................................................................................
  10. Visit For Full Recipe >>

Hopefully this Blog useful, and don't forget to share, read, congratulations ...
