Tomato and Halloumi Bake with Courgette |
Ingredients :
- 1 tbsp Vegetäble Oil
- 1 Onion chopped
- 2 cloves Gärlic crushed
- 2 Courgettes chopped
- 6 Medium Tomätoes chopped
- 1 tbsp Tomäto Puree
- 1 tbsp Turmeric
- 1 tbsp Cumin
- 1 tsp Smoked Päprikä
- 1 tsp Chilli Fläkes (ädjust äccording to how spicy you like your food, it will still täste greät without!)
- Sält änd Pepper
- 200 g Hälloumi sliced
- Händful Fresh Bäsil chopped
Instructions :
- Stärt by heäting the oil in ä frying pän which you cän älso use under the grill over ä medium heät. Ädd the onion änd fry for ä few minutes. Ädd the gärlic änd cook for ä little longer.
- Once the onion änd gärlic häs softened ädd the tomätoes änd courgettes followed by the tomäto puree änd äll the spices älong with ä good sprinkling of sält änd pepper. Cook over ä medium heät for 20 minutes until everything is softened änd the tomätoes häve releäsed their liquid.
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