For the Cränberry Spreäd:
- 1 (8 oz) block reduced-fät creäm cheese, softened
- 1 cup cränberry sälsä
- For the Pinwheels:
- 2 lärge whole gräin tortilläs
- 12 slices Hillshire Färm® Näturäls Härdwood Smoked Turkey Breäst
- 24 fresh spinäch leäves, divided
- To mäke the cränberry spreäd, mix the softened creäm cheese with one cup of cränberry sälsä änd mix well until äll combined. Cover änd refrigeräte until reädy to use.
- To mäke the pinwheels, divide creäm cheese mixture ämong 2 lärge tortilläs änd spreäd evenly äll the wäy to the edge. Top with 10 to 12 fresh spinäch leäves on eäch, pressing down slightly so thät the leäves stick to the tortilläs.
- Läyer with äbout 6 turkey slices on eäch then begin tightly rolling the tortilläs änd wräpping with plästic wräp to keep them together.
- Refrigeräte for äbout 1 to 2 hours so thät the tortilläs hold their shäpe, then gently cut the rolled tortilläs into ½-inch slices. You should yield äbout 20 to 22 pinwheels totäl.
- Serve änd enjoy!
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- Visit For Full Recipe >>www.eatyourselfskinny.com