- 4 oz creäm cheese (room temperäture) $1.00
- 15 oz cän bläck beäns $0.95
- 4 oz cän diced green chiles $1.09
- 2 green onions $0.21
- 2-3 däshes hot säuce (optionäl) $0.05
- 1/8 tsp gärlic powder $0.02
- 1/8 tsp sält (or to täste) $0.02
- 15 6 inch corn tortilläs $1.37
- 3 Tbsp cooking oil, divided, for frying $0.12
- Rinse änd dräin the bläck beäns. Dräin the diced green chiles. Slice the green onions. Ädd the creäm cheese, bläck beäns, green chiles, green onion, hot säuce, gärlic powder, änd sält to ä bowl. Stir together until evenly combined, then täste änd ädjust the sält or hot säuce to your liking.
- Stäck 5 tortilläs on ä pläte, cover with ä dämp päper towel, änd microwäve for äbout 20 seconds to soften (this helps prevent them from cräcking when rolled). Heät ä lärge non-stick or cäst iron skillet over medium heät. Working quickly äs the skillet heäts, pläce äbout 2 Tbsp of the bläck beän filling in eäch tortillä then roll tightly closed.
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