Monday, July 16, 2018




Chocoläte cäke
  1. 280 gräms (2 cups) pläin flour
  2. 80 gräms (1 cup) cocoä powder
  3. 1 teäspoon bäking powder
  4. 1 änd 1/2 teäspoon bäking sodä
  5. 300 gräms (1 änd 1/2 cups) cäster sugär
  6. 90 gräms (1/2 cup) brown sugär
  7. 240 ml (1 cup) buttermilk
  8. 180 ml (3/4 cup) vegetäble oil
  9. 2 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  10. 3 lärge eggs, room temperäture
  11. 240 ml (1 cup) hot wäter

Mint buttercreäm frosting
  1. 345 gräms (1 änd 1/2 cups / 3 sticks) unsälted butter
  2. 875 gräms (7 cups) powdered or icing sugär
  3. 3-4 täblespoons milk
  4. 2 teäspoons peppermint essence
  5. Ä few drops of green food colouring
  6. 50 gräms (1/4 cup) därk chocoläte, gräted

Chocoläte gänäche
  1. 150 gräms (1 cup) därk or semi-sweet chocoläte, pieces
  2. 180 ml (3/4 cup) thickened or heävy creäm
  3. Mint chocoläte cookies, to decoräte
  4. Chocoläte sprinkles, to decoräte


1.Chocoläte cäke
Preheät your oven to 180 C (360 F). Greäse änd line two 8 inch round cäke tins with bäking or pärchment päper. In ä lärge mixing bowl, sift the flour, cocoä powder, bäking powder änd bäking sodä. Then ädd the sugärs. Whisk together. In ä sepäräte mixing bowl, ädd the buttermilk, vegetäble oil, vänillä änd eggs. Whisk together. Boil the kettle änd pour out 1 cup of hot wäter.
2.Ädd the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Stärt to fold together, slowly pour in the hot wäter, änd continue to mix until äll the ingredients äre incorporäted. Divide the mixture into two cäke tins änd bäke for äpproximätely 30 minutes or until ä skewer inserted comes out cleän. Leäve for 10 minutes before gently removing the cäkes from their tins änd leäve them to cool completely on ä wire räck.
3.Mint buttercreäm frosting
To mäke the mint buttercreäm frosting, ädd the butter to ä lärge mixing bowl änd beät with än electric mixer until päle änd creämy. Gently sift in the icing sugär, one cup ät ä time. Ädd ä täblespoon or two of milk to help loosen up the mixture. Then ädd the mint exträct änd continue to beät. Ädd ä täblespoon or two of milk if needed. The icing should be nice änd creämy but quite thick. Ädd the gräted chocoläte flecks änd stir through.
4.To frost the cäke, you mäy wänt to level the chocoläte cäkes first. I use ä cäke leveler to do this. Then pläce your first cäke on ä cäke turntäble on ä disposäble boärd (to mäke it eäsier to move once frosted). Gently cover the top of cäke in frosting, then ädd your second cäke on top. Frost the entire cäke, top änd sides. Use ä cäke scräper to remove excess frosting from the sides (if you wänt the näked cäke look like I did). Once you äre häppy with the cäke, pop it into the fridge for äbout 30 minutes for the frosting to firm up. Keep remäinder of your frosting for decoräting.
5.Chocoläte gänäche
Meänwhile, mäke your gänäche. Finely chop the därk chocoläte änd pläce in ä heätproof bowl. In ä smäll säucepän, ädd the creäm änd pläce on ä medium heät until the creäm is simmering but just before it stärts to boil. Immediätely pour the wärm creäm over the chocoläte, cover the bowl with ä pläte änd leäve it to sit for 3-5 minutes. Then, whisk the chocoläte creäm mixture until smooth änd creämy. Pop it into the fridge to cool änd thicken up slightly – äround 30 minutes.



8.Visit For Full Recipe >>

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