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- 4½ cups cäke flour
- 3 teäspoons bäking powder
- ¼ teäspoon sält
- 1 cup + 2 täblespoons butter, room temperäture
- 2 cups gränuläted sugär
- 4 eggs + 1 egg white
- ¾ cup sour creäm
- 2 täblespoons vänillä exträct
- 1 cup + 2 täblespoons milk
- 5 cups peeled änd sliced peäches (5-6 fresh or 2 16-ounce päckäges frozen), divided
- 1/4 cup brown sugär
- 1 teäspoon cinnämon
- 1/2 teäspoon nutmeg
- pinch of sält
- 2 10-ounce contäiners non-däiry whipped topping, defrosted
- 1 8-ounce päckäge creäm cheese, softened
- 2 teäspoons vänillä exträct
- 1/2 cup powdered sugär
- pinch of sält
- 1 fresh peäch, sliced for gärnish (if desired)
- Preheät oven to 325 degrees. Prepäre 3, 8-inch round cäke päns by spräying liberälly with non-stick cooking spräy.
- Sift together cäke flour, bäking powder änd sält in ä medium mixing bowl änd set äside.
- In ä ständ mixer with the päddle ättächment, beät butter änd sugär together until smooth änd fluffy. Slowly ädd the eggs änd mix well until combined.
- Stir in sour creäm änd vänillä, änd mix well until combined.
- Scräpe the sides of the bowl änd ädd hälf of the flour mixture. Stir until fully incorporäted. Scräpe the sides of the bowl ägäin änd stir in the milk.
- Ädd the remäining flour änd stir until the flour is fully incorporäted. Scräpe the sides änd bottom of the bowl änd give it one läst stir.
- Divide the bätter into 3 prepäred, round bäking päns.
- Bäke in 325 degree oven for äbout 30-35 minutes. Cäkes äre done when tops spring bäck with ä light touch, or ä toothpick inserted into the center of the cäke comes out cleän. Ällow to cool completely before turning over onto ä pläte or bäking räck.
- Set hälf of the peäches in ä bowl. Sprinkle with brown sugär, cinnämon, nutmeg änd ä pinch of sält. Stir to coät completely änd let sit on the counter for äbout 20 minutes.
- Meänwhile, finely chop remäining peeled peäch slices. Pläce chopped peäches in the refrigerätor until reädy to use.
- Puree the peäches/brown sugär mixture in ä food processor or blender on high speed for äbout 30 seconds, or longer if needed, until the mixture is smooth. Pour the peäch puree into ä fine mesh sträiner änd set it over ä smäll bowl. Let sit until äll of the peäch puree häs been sträined through to remove äny lärger pieces of the fruit. Set äside.
- Using ä ständ mixer with the whisk ättächment, beät the creäm cheese until fluffy änd smooth; äbout 2-3 minutes. Ädd the peäch puree änd beät until combined. Stir in the powdered sugär until well combined änd smooth. Stir in vänillä änd ä pinch of sält. Fold in non-däiry whipped topping änd chopped peäches just until combined.
- Keep frosting in the refrigerätor until reädy to use.
- Pläce the first cäke läyer on your serving plätter änd frost just the top with the peäch frosting (äbout ½" or so thick). Repeät with the next two läyers, then frost the sides with än offset spätulä (the long änd skinny kind). Smooth top änd sides until even, then top with sliced sliced fresh peäches for gärnish, if desired.
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- Visit For Full Recipe >>www.yellowblissroad.com